What is urban camouflage for?

urban camouflage

Try standing in the mall on a busy Saturday in urban combat gear. Your friends will spot you from a mile off, and mall security will be following you around from the moment you arrive.

Urban combat gear looks the way it does because it’s designed to camouflage the wearer against rubble.

Urban camouflage

That’s because the standard urban combat strategy of the armed forces is never to ‘put boots on the ground’ until they’ve reduced the target area to rubble by bombardment from above.

So tell me again how we have national armed forces ‘to defend the people’?

Nowadays, the politicians and the military are not the only ones with access to global communications. When they cry victory, we see bodies in the rubble.

We’re still divided – we’re divided into those who get their information from corporate TV and newspapers, and those who keep moving through the communication platforms, keeping tabs on where the real news is.

Urban camouflage doesn’t work in cities they haven’t destroyed yet. Be visible, and please keep protesting. It works.


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